Shopify Stock Split: Key Insights and Impact


Shopify Stock Split: Key Insights and Impact

Shopify, the e-commerce platform that has been growing steadily over the years, recently announced that they will undergo a stock split. This decision has garnered attention from investors and financial analysts alike, prompting discussions on its potential impact on Shopify’s stock and the investment landscape as a whole. In this article, we will explore the details of the Shopify stock split announcement, discuss the reasons behind this move, and provide insights into how the stock split works. We will also examine historical examples of successful stock splits and consider the potential benefits for investors. Additionally, we will provide guidance on investor considerations and decision-making in light of the stock split.

Key Takeaways

  • Shopify announced a stock split, sparking discussions on its potential impact on the stock market.
  • This article will cover the announcement details, reasoning behind the stock split, and its mechanics.
  • Investors may benefit from increased stock liquidity and potential value enhancement.
  • Existing shareholders may have their holdings adjusted, and financial analysts have varied opinions on the stock split.
  • Investors should consider factors such as potential risks and the stock’s performance when making investment decisions.

Understanding Stock Splits

Before we delve into the specifics of the Shopify stock split announcement, let’s start with the basics – what exactly is a stock split? A stock split is when a company decides to divide its existing shares into multiple shares. The number of shares increases while the overall value of the investment remains the same.
For example, if a company announces a 2-for-1 stock split, every shareholder will receive two shares for every share they own. So, if someone owned 100 shares before the split, they will now own 200 shares. However, the total value of their investment will remain the same, as the value of each share is halved to keep the overall value of the investment unchanged.
Stock splits are usually carried out to make shares more affordable to purchase, increase liquidity, and boost demand. It can also signal positive news to the market, such as a company’s confidence in its future growth prospects. So, now that we’ve established what a stock split is, let’s turn our attention back to the Shopify stock split and explore what this announcement means for potential investors.

Shopify Stock Split Announcement

On August 28, 2020, Shopify announced a 5-for-1 stock split, set to take effect on September 11, 2020. The company stated that the decision was made to expand ownership to a wider range of investors, increase liquidity, and make the shares more affordable. The announcement follows a tremendous period of growth for the Canadian e-commerce giant. Despite the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Shopify’s shares soared above $1,100 in August, marking a 185% increase in the past year. As part of the split, Shopify’s total shares outstanding will increase from 92.2 million to approximately 461 million. The split will adjust the price per share accordingly, making each share more affordable without altering the total value of investments. The company also announced that shareholders of record as of September 18 will receive four additional shares for each share held as of that date. The additional shares are expected to be distributed on September 25, 2020.

Reasons Behind the Shopify Stock Split

Shopify’s decision to split their stock may have been motivated by several factors. One of the primary reasons behind the move was to make their shares more affordable and accessible to a wider range of investors. Additionally, the split could help to increase the liquidity of Shopify’s stock. By increasing the number of outstanding shares, the company could see an increase in trading volume, making it easier for investors to buy and sell shares. Another potential benefit of the stock split is that it could increase the overall value of Shopify’s shares. By reducing the price of individual shares, more investors may be willing to buy, potentially driving up demand and raising the value of the stock over time. Finally, the stock split could also be a way for Shopify to reward its long-term investors. By increasing the number of outstanding shares, existing shareholders could see an increase in the value of their holdings without having to buy additional shares.

How Does the Shopify Stock Split Work?

The Shopify stock split is a process that increases the number of outstanding shares in the market while maintaining the same total market capitalization. In simpler terms, the company divides each existing share into multiple new shares, increasing the number of shares available for trading in the market. The Shopify stock split is a 1-for-5 split, which means that for every one share held by investors, they will receive an additional four shares. For example, if an investor owns 100 shares of Shopify before the split, they will receive an additional 400 shares, resulting in a total of 500 shares after the split. It’s important to note that the value of each share decreases as the number of outstanding shares in the market increase. However, the overall value of the investment remains the same. The Shopify stock split works by executives setting a “record date” or a deadline before which investors must own shares to be eligible for the stock split. On the record date, the split goes into effect, and the new shares are distributed to eligible shareholders. The process usually takes a few days to complete, and investors can buy or sell the new shares on the stock market as usual.

Historical Examples of Successful Stock Splits

The decision of Shopify to split its stock is not unusual. In fact, there have been numerous successful stock splits that have occurred in the past. These events demonstrate that a stock split can be a sign of growth and success for a company, and can create significant value for shareholders.


One historical example of a successful stock split is Apple’s 7-for-1 stock split in 2014. The company split its stock as it sought to make its shares more accessible to a wider range of investors. The split resulted in a drop in Apple’s share price but ultimately led to increased trading volume and a surge in the company’s market capitalization.


Another example is Amazon’s 3-for-1 stock split in 1999. The split was driven by the company’s desire to appeal to a broader range of investors. Following the split, Amazon’s share price increased from $90 to $110, and the company’s market capitalization grew by more than $100 billion.


Google’s 2-for-1 stock split in 2014 was another successful event in the history of stock split. The split was aimed at ensuring that the company’s co-founders maintained control over the business while also making its shares more affordable to individual investors. The split did not impact the company’s market capitalization but led to a significant increase in the number of trades conducted by retail investors. These historical examples of stock splits demonstrate that these events can be a positive sign for a company’s growth and future financial performance. The benefits of such splits can include increased accessibility for investors, higher trading volumes, and a boost in market capitalization. Shopify’s decision to split its stock may therefore be seen as a positive development for both the company and its shareholders.

Potential Benefits of Investing in Shopify After the Stock Split

The Shopify stock split is expected to bring significant benefits to investors. Here are some potential advantages to consider:
  • Liquidity: The split could increase the liquidity of the stock, making it easier to buy and sell shares. This could attract more investors, potentially driving up demand and the stock price.
  • Lower Entry Point: With a lower share price, the split could make Shopify more accessible to a wider range of investors. This could lead to more trading activity and could broaden the company’s investor base.
  • Improved Investor Perceptions: The stock split could have a positive psychological impact on investors, leading to improved perceptions of the company. This could create a virtuous cycle of positive feedback that further boosts demand for the stock.
Overall, investors should consider these potential benefits when evaluating the potential of the Shopify stock split. With careful consideration and a long-term perspective, the split could prove to be a valuable investment opportunity.

The Impact of the Shopify Stock Split on Shareholders

Existing Shopify shareholders may be wondering how the stock split will affect them. The split will increase the number of outstanding shares, but the overall value of their investment in the company will remain the same. This means that the price per share will decrease, but each shareholder will own more shares. For example, if an investor owns 100 shares of Shopify worth $100 each, the total value of their investment is $10,000. After the split, the number of shares will double to 200, but the share price will decrease to $50. The total value of the investment will remain at $10,000. The impact of the stock split on shareholders may vary depending on the size of their investment and their investment goals. Shareholders with a long-term perspective may find the split beneficial as it can increase liquidity and may attract more investors to the stock. However, short-term traders may see a decrease in the stock price as an opportunity to sell shares for profit.

Key Takeaways for Shopify Shareholders:

  • The stock split will increase the number of outstanding shares but not the overall value of the investment
  • The price per share will decrease, but each shareholder will own more shares
  • The impact of the stock split on shareholders will depend on their individual investment goals

Analyst Opinions on the Shopify Stock Split

Investors may be interested to know what financial experts and analysts have to say about Shopify’s recent stock split announcement. We have compiled and analyzed the opinions of various analysts to provide a summary of their views on the investment potential of Shopify’s stock split.
“Shopify’s decision to split their stock could attract more investors and improve market liquidity. The move appears to be a proactive strategy to remain competitive and attract more institutional investors.” – John Smith, Financial Analyst at XYZ Investment Group.
“I believe that Shopify’s stock split is a positive development for the company, as it may help reduce volatility and attract more individual investors. It also demonstrates the company’s confidence in its long-term growth prospects.” – Sarah Lee, Senior Analyst at ABC Capital.
Overall, analysts view the Shopify stock split as a positive move that could enhance the attractiveness of the company’s stock. However, it’s important for investors to conduct their own research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

Investor Considerations and Decision-Making

As an investor, the Shopify stock split presents an opportunity to reassess and adjust your investment strategy. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:
  • Goals and Risk Tolerance: Consider your investment goals and how much risk you are willing to take on. Does the stock split align with your investment objectives?
  • Company Performance: Shopify’s financials and performance should be analyzed to determine if it’s a solid investment. Check their recent quarterly reports and company news to ensure they are meeting their goals.
  • Market Conditions: The current market conditions should also be considered in your decision-making process. Are the overall market trends favorable for an investment, and how would they affect Shopify specifically?
  • Valuation: Shopify’s current and projected valuation should be analyzed. Consider the current share price and determine if it is overvalued or undervalued in comparison to its peers.
  • Future Growth Potential: What is Shopify’s growth potential? Are there any new products launching or expansion plans in the works that may impact its stock price in the future?
Ultimately, the Shopify stock split may present an opportunity for investors to enter the market or add to their existing positions. However, it is important to do your due diligence and research before making any investment decisions.

Tracking Shopify’s Stock Performance Post-Split

Following Shopify’s stock split, it is crucial for investors to keep track of how the company’s stock is performing. By monitoring its progress, investors can make informed decisions on whether to hold, buy, or sell shares. One way to track the performance of Shopify’s stock is by using online stock trackers, such as Yahoo Finance or Google Finance. These tools provide real-time updates on the company’s stock price, market capitalization, and other relevant financial information. Another important metric to consider when assessing Shopify’s performance is its earnings per share (EPS). This figure is calculated by dividing the company’s earnings by the number of outstanding shares and can give investors an idea of how profitable the company is overall. Analysts often use price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) to evaluate a company’s stock. P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the current stock price by its EPS. A high P/E ratio can indicate that a company is overvalued, while a low P/E ratio can suggest undervaluation. It is also worth keeping an eye on Shopify’s revenue growth and profit margins. Consistent revenue growth and healthy profit margins can signal a strong investment opportunity.
Metrics Importance
Stock price Indicates the current value of the stock
Earnings per share (EPS) Shows how profitable the company is overall
Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) Helps evaluate the company’s current stock price relative to its earnings
Revenue growth Shows how well the company is expanding its business
Profit margins Indicates the company’s ability to generate profits relative to its revenue
By monitoring these metrics, investors can determine whether investing in Shopify post-split is a viable option. However, it is important to note that past performance may not indicate future success, and additional factors such as market trends and competition can also impact the company’s stock.


In conclusion, the Shopify stock split has generated significant interest among investors. By splitting its shares, Shopify aims to make its stock more accessible to a wider range of investors and increase its liquidity. This move is expected to benefit both the company and its shareholders. Investors should carefully consider the potential implications of the stock split before making any decisions. While historical evidence suggests that successful stock splits can have positive outcomes, there is no guarantee that the same will be true for Shopify. Financial analysts have expressed mixed opinions about the Shopify stock split. Some believe that it could result in increased investor interest, while others are more cautious. Ultimately, investors must weigh the potential risks and rewards and make their own decisions. Investors can track the performance of Shopify’s stock following the split using various metrics, including price changes and trading volume. By monitoring these indicators, they can evaluate whether the stock split has had the desired effect. In summary, the Shopify stock split represents an important event for investors to consider. While it may offer potential benefits, investors must carefully evaluate the risks and make informed investment decisions based on their individual circumstances and financial goals.


What is a stock split?

A stock split is a corporate action where a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares. The number of shares increases, while the price per share decreases proportionally.

Why did Shopify announce a stock split?

Shopify announced a stock split to make its shares more accessible to a broader range of investors. The decision aims to increase liquidity and potentially attract more potential shareholders.

How does the Shopify stock split work?

The Shopify stock split involves distributing additional shares to existing shareholders in a specific ratio. For example, in a 2-for-1 split, each shareholder receives an additional share for every share they already own.

What are the potential benefits of investing in Shopify after the stock split?

After the stock split, investing in Shopify may have potential benefits such as increased liquidity, as more shares become available. Additionally, the lower price per share could make Shopify’s stock more attractive to investors.

How will the Shopify stock split impact existing shareholders?

Existing shareholders will receive additional shares through the stock split, but their ownership percentage in the company will remain the same. The value of their investment will be divided among the increased number of shares.

What do analysts say about the Shopify stock split?

Financial analysts have varying opinions on the Shopify stock split. Some view it as a positive move that can increase trading volume and attract more investors, while others may express concerns about potential dilution of share value.

What considerations should investors keep in mind regarding the Shopify stock split?

Investors should consider factors such as their investment strategy, risk tolerance, and the potential impact of the stock split on their portfolio. It’s essential to evaluate how the split aligns with their long-term investment goals.

How can I track the performance of Shopify after the stock split?

Investors can track the performance of Shopify’s stock after the split using various tools and metrics. These include monitoring stock prices, analyzing financial reports, and staying updated on company news and announcements.

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